The Great ReShuffle

by Dawn Homa

Sometimes you need to take a moment to look around and realize how far you’ve come. From March of 2020, when I thought the world was coming to an end, to the last weeks of 2021, what incredible growth and changes have happened at Signarama.

The “Great Reshuffle” is a term coined by LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky to describe workers “rethinking not just how we work, but why we work.” The Great Reshuffle has led to workers reconsidering what they expect in terms of not just traditional draws like benefits and compensation, but also job role, flexibility and company commitment to values.”

The pandemic has painfully shown us that illness and death can happen quickly and at any time. Life satisfaction is now high on the hierarchy. Do we want to continue doing the same thing? Is our work-life fulfilling and what are we doing with our personal time that is meaningful?

The last two years have made me look at my life, both on a personal and business level, and really see what is important to me. What are the areas of my life that I want to grow and enjoy more? I realized that I really missed traveling. To be able to travel more and leave the business, I needed to look at how Signarama was set up. I needed to “Reshuffle” how I ran the company to allow me to have more freedom to do the things I enjoyed as well as give my Team more flexibility to grow and learn.

For me, this means spending more time mentoring and coaching my Key Team members. The people who stuck with me through these last crazy, unprecedented, two years. The people who I consider family and trust to keep the business running when I’m not there. Giving them the tools and authority to manage their departments. This has allowed me to step away from day-to-day operations and decision-making and focus on the short and long-term goals of Signarama.

We are in the beginning stages of this “Reshuffle” of responsibility, and it is fulfilling for me to see their excitement and growth in their new roles. I feel the business is taking a new direction and 2022 will be a phenomenal year.

How are you going to Reshuffle your priorities to get the most out of your personal and business life?