Explore the Floor (the world is looking down)

By Dawn Homa


It used to be that we would tell people to have their signs as high as possible at trade shows, for direction signage and informational signage.


With the addiction we have to our cell phones walking with our eyes down… we’ve changed our advice and are telling our customers to have their messages on the floor. It seems the only way to get people’s attention these days is to have your message where people’s eyes are… on the floor.


We added floor graphics to our trade show exhibits. “Stop here for the FUN Zone!” It did make people stop, look up, and kind of makes them have to engage with you. The graphics became a conversation in themselves.


We added floor graphics to our Open House last month. As we are pet friendly, we used paw prints. This helped to guide people as to what direction they should walk to tour our shop. These graphics keep people moving through your store or facility so they can see all the products/services you offer.


You can even add graphics to the concrete outside your entrance or maybe even a red carpet effect to guide them inside. Verbiage like “Come on in… You know you want to”.


You can have your monthly special on the floor, a motivational quote or mile markers for marathons on the sidewalk. A pokeman type game to get people (kids) to find the next floor display is always fun. Get people to use the stairs and have sayings on each stair or level to keep them walking.


Add floor graphics to your events. Whether it’s color coded arrows or theme based, you can make it memorable and entertaining with floor graphics. The possibilities are absolutely endless.


So what are you waiting for?  The world is looking down and you have an empty floor just calling for graphics to market and advertise your business.